
Tor johnson tribute
Tor johnson tribute

Clocking in at almost six hours in total, with a setlist of 50 songs, Grohl’s spectacular show was a remarkable lasting legacy for Hawkins and the Foo Fighters in general. Does Tor Johnson Dead or Alive As per our current Database, Tor Johnson has been died on (age 67). Photo Courtesy of Hawaii Tourism Authority (HTA) / Tor Johnson. “A gigantic fucking night for a gigantic fucking person,” Grohl announced at the start of the show, making it clear from the offset that the concert would honour the legacy of Taylor Hawkins in more ways than one. from battleships and aviation museums paying tribute to the lives lost at Pearl. Among such acts, there were also some unexpected homecomings, with the concert seeing Them Crooked Vultures and James Gang come back together, as well as members of Taylor Hawkins’ family who joined Dave Grohl and the rest of the band on stage.

tor johnson tribute

Recruiting some of Hawkins’ biggest idols for the concert, the Foo Fighters brought out the likes of Liam Gallagher, Travis Barker, Queen’s Brian May and Roger Taylor, as well as Brian Johnson of AC/DC fame. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse‘s Christmas Album is Real, and Heckin’ Jolly.

tor johnson tribute

Taking over Wembley Stadium in England on Saturday night, Foo Fighters performed for the very first time since the passing of drummer Taylor Hawkins in March, playing a six-hour long set which attracted some of the greatest musicians in the contemporary industry.

Tor johnson tribute